News Release

No Reasonable Grounds to Criminally Charge any Toronto Police Service Officer in Connection with the Falling Death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet

Case Number: 20-TCD-124   

Mississauga, ON (26 August, 2020) ---
On May 27, 2020, 29-year-old Regis Korchinski-Paquet fell tragically to her death from the balcony of a 24th floor apartment in Toronto. Because Toronto Police Service (TPS) officers had interacted with her and were present in her apartment at the time of the fall, the SIU was notified and commenced an investigation.  

Six police officers were in and around the apartment at the time of the fall, including the subject officer, who had the most dealings with Ms. Korchinski-Paquet.  Each officer was interviewed by the SIU.  In addition, 15 civilian witnesses were interviewed, including Ms. Korchinski-Paquet’s mother and brother who were in the vicinity at the time. A statement was obtained from Ms. Korchinski-Paquet father, with whom she was speaking on the phone in the moments before the fall.  

The investigation further benefitted from a review of scene photos, 911 call recordings, audio recordings from In-Car Camera Systems of police cruisers, security camera video recordings from the apartment building in which the incident occurred, records from the TPS and two post-mortem reports. 

Based on his review of the evidence, the Director of the Special Investigations Unit, Joseph Martino, has determined there are no reasonable grounds to believe that any of the officers committed a criminal offence in connection with Ms. Korchinski-Paquet’s death.

Video statement from SIU Director Joseph Martino explaining his decision:

Full Director’s Report (with Event Chronology, Evidence (scene photos, transcripts of communications recordings and video/audio evidence) and Analysis & Director’s Decision): 

Timeline of Investigation:

The SIU is an independent government agency that investigates the conduct of officials (police officers as well as special constables with the Niagara Parks Commission and peace officers with the Legislative Protective Service) that may have resulted in death, serious injury, sexual assault and/or the discharge of a firearm at a person. All investigations are conducted by SIU investigators who are civilians. Under the Special Investigations Unit Act, the Director of the SIU must

  • consider whether the official has committed a criminal offence in connection with the incident under investigation
  • depending on the evidence, cause a criminal charge to be laid against the official where grounds exist for doing so, or close the file without any charges being laid
  • publicly report the results of its investigations

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