Breakdown of Occurrences

The SIU has tracked its total caseload since its inception in 1990. This information is made available here by year and categorized by type of case.

Occurrence Year Firearm InjuriesFirearm DeathsFirearm Discharge at Person**Custody InjuriesCustody DeathsVehicle InjuriesVehicle DeathsSexual Assault AllegationsOther InjuriesOther DeathsNon-Jurisdictional Cases*** TOTALS
2025 2034166030146108
2024 101217217214684903177560
2023 13729215254475917126533
2022 61225171143645517N/A331
2021 1311302083444107325N/A430
2020 11113191314755903N/A361
2019 148N/A174193275505N/A314
2018 127N/A2023642658019N/A382
2017 56N/A229204146825N/A380
2016 77N/A197253784303N/A327
2015 87N/A188273744001N/A312
2014 35N/A1691937104351N/A292
2013 109N/A194173973912N/A318
2012 87N/A229324494922N/A382
2011 146N/A142212765300N/A269
2010 89N/A171212763711N/A281
2009 97N/A184195472903N/A312
2008 84N/A160263353712N/A276
2007 157N/A1272834103600N/A257
2006 107N/A123312152900N/A226
2005 86N/A1062229101400N/A195
2004 38N/A57163081220N/A136
2003 81N/A82263381800N/A176
2002 113N/A861526101020N/A163
2001 44N/A782231111102N/A163
2000 95N/A71163471511N/A159
1999 92N/A702049141000N/A174
1998 91N/A532163101100N/A168
1997 128N/A4811548900N/A150
1996 97N/A4327597800N/A160
1995 182N/A68205261000N/A176
1994 93N/A99118912900N/A232
1993 132N/A731473111500N/A201
1992 128N/A1314135400N/A164*
1990-1991 157N/A106296000N/A96*
Occurrence Year Firearm InjuriesFirearm DeathsFirearm Discharge at PersonCustody InjuriesCustody DeathsVehicle InjuriesVehicle DeathsSexual Assault AllegationsOther InjuriesOther DeathsNon-Jurisdictional Cases TOTALS
* Totals include cases reported but not mandated (73 cases in 90-91 and 69 cases in 1992).
** Prior to December 1, 2020, the SIU investigated firearm discharges by officials only in cases where someone was seriously injured or died. The Special Investigations Unit Act, which took effect December 1, 2020, gave the SIU jurisdiction to investigate any discharge of a firearm at a person.
*** Non-jurisdictional cases (NJCs) are those in which no investigation file is ever opened at the SIU. This is because it is apparent, at the time the case is reported to the SIU, that the incident does not fall within the mandate of the SIU. While there is no need for an investigation, SIU resources and time are dedicated at the intake stage. The SIU has always documented these NJCs, but until 2023, they were not included in the total case count.