SIU Director’s Report - Case # 23-POD-079


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Mandate of the SIU

The Special Investigations Unit is a civilian law enforcement agency that investigates incidents involving an official where there has been death, serious injury, the discharge of a firearm at a person or an allegation of sexual assault. Under the Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019 (SIU Act), officials are defined as police officers, special constables of the Niagara Parks Commission and peace officers under the Legislative Assembly Act. The SIU’s jurisdiction covers more than 50 municipal, regional and provincial police services across Ontario.

Under the SIU Act, the Director of the SIU must determine based on the evidence gathered in an investigation whether there are reasonable grounds to believe that a criminal offence was committed. If such grounds exist, the Director has the authority to lay a criminal charge against the official. Alternatively, in cases where no reasonable grounds exist, the Director cannot lay charges. Where no charges are laid, a report of the investigation is prepared and released publicly, except in the case of reports dealing with allegations of sexual assault, in which case the SIU Director may consult with the affected person and exercise a discretion to not publicly release the report having regard to the affected person’s privacy interests.

Information Restrictions

Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019

Pursuant to section 34, certain information may not be included in this report. This information may include, but is not limited to, the following: 
  • The name of, and any information identifying, a subject official, witness official, civilian witness or affected person. 
  • Information that may result in the identity of a person who reported that they were sexually assaulted being revealed in connection with the sexual assault. 
  • Information that, in the opinion of the SIU Director, could lead to a risk of serious harm to a person. 
  • Information that discloses investigative techniques or procedures.  
  • Information, the release of which is prohibited or restricted by law.  
  • Information in which a person’s privacy interest in not having the information published clearly outweighs the public interest in having the information published. 

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Pursuant to section 14 (i.e., law enforcement), certain information may not be included in this report. This information may include, but is not limited to, the following: 
  • Confidential investigative techniques and procedures used by law enforcement agencies; and 
  • Information that could reasonably be expected to interfere with a law enforcement matter or an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding. 
Pursuant to section 21 (i.e., personal privacy), protected personal information is not included in this report. This information may include, but is not limited to, the following: 
  • The names of persons, including civilian witnesses, and subject and witness officials; 
  • Location information; 
  • Witness statements and evidence gathered in the course of the investigation provided to the SIU in confidence; and 
  • Other identifiers which are likely to reveal personal information about individuals involved in the investigation. 

Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004

Pursuant to this legislation, any information related to the personal health of identifiable individuals is not included.

Other proceedings, processes, and investigations

Information may also have been excluded from this report because its release could undermine the integrity of other proceedings involving the same incident, such as criminal proceedings, coroner’s inquests, other public proceedings and/or other law enforcement investigations.

Mandate Engaged

Pursuant to section 15 of the SIU Act, the SIU may investigate the conduct of officials, be they police officers, special constables of the Niagara Parks Commission or peace officers under the Legislative Assembly Act, that may have resulted in death, serious injury, sexual assault or the discharge of a firearm at a person.

A person sustains a “serious injury” for purposes of the SIU’s jurisdiction if they: sustain an injury as a result of which they are admitted to hospital; suffer a fracture to the skull, or to a limb, rib or vertebra; suffer burns to a significant proportion of their body; lose any portion of their body; or, as a result of an injury, experience a loss of vision or hearing.

In addition, a “serious injury” means any other injury sustained by a person that is likely to interfere with the person’s health or comfort and is not transient or trifling in nature.

This report relates to the SIU’s investigation into the death of a 67-year-old man (the “Complainant”).

The Investigation

Notification of the SIU [1]

On March 12, 2023, at 12:07 p.m., the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) notified the SIU of the death of the Complainant.

According to the OPP, on March 11, 2023, at 7:35 p.m., the Brant County OPP Detachment received a call from Civilian Witness (CW) #1 requesting a wellness check on a family member, the Complainant, who was an alcoholic with a history of being medicated. Three OPP officers attended the Complainant’s residence in St. George and found the Complainant had fallen. He refused medical treatment. On March 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., CW #1 called the police again, and OPP officers returned to the address for a wellness check. On that occasion, they located the Complainant frozen and deceased outside the building.

The Team

Date and time team dispatched: 03/12/2023 at 2:10 p.m.

Date and time SIU arrived on scene: 03/12/2023 at 3:20 p.m.

Number of SIU Investigators assigned: 3
Number of SIU Forensic Investigators assigned: 1

Affected Person (aka “Complainant”):

67-year-old male; deceased

Civilian Witnesses

CW #1 Interviewed
CW #2 Interviewed
CW #3 Not interviewed; next-of-kin

The civilian witnesses were interviewed on March 13, 2023.

Witness Officials (WO)

WO #1 Not interviewed; notes reviewed and interview deemed not necessary
WO #2 Not interviewed; notes reviewed and interview deemed not necessary
WO #3 Not interviewed; notes reviewed and interview deemed not necessary
WO #4 Interviewed
WO #5 Interviewed

The witness officials were interviewed between March 21 and 28, 2023.


The Scene

The events in question transpired in and around the Complainant’s residence in St. George.

The SIU attended the scene on March 11, 2023, at 3:20 p.m., and met police officers who were holding the scene secure.

The Complainant’s body was found in the snow just outside an open entrance door to his residence. He was not dressed for the weather, wearing only a light shirt, jeans, and socks with no shoes.

There were no signs of forced entry to the building and no evidence of vehicular or pedestrian traffic in the snow-covered parking area. Inside, the overhead lights were on, and the interior was littered with many empty alcohol bottles, among them, one full bottle of alcohol.

The low temperature recorded that evening was minus seven degrees Celsius. [2]

Video/Audio/Photographic Evidence [3]

The premise was not equipped with video recording equipment nor were any of the involved police officers or police vehicles.

Police Communications Recordings

On March 11, 2023, at about 7:31 p.m., CW #1 contacted the OPP communications centre and requested a welfare check on the Complainant. CW #1 said the Complainant was a severe alcoholic and had not been feeling well. She believed he might have missed a doctor’s appointment that day. CW #1 had not been able to reach the Complainant for several hours. CW #1 informed the call-taker the Complainant’s car was outside his residence and she did not believe he had any mental health issues.

Three OPP officers were dispatched to the address, and provided with that information and information there was a 2022 call for service that was similar in nature. The responding police officer in the 2022 incident made note of possible mental health issues, but the Complainant was not ‘flagged’ as a mental health concern.

Materials Obtained from Police Service

Upon request, the SIU received the following materials from OPP Brant County Detachment between March 12 and 17, 2023:
  • Event Details for Sudden Death;
  • Supplementary Report;
  • Notes – WO #3;
  • Notes – WO #1;
  • Notes – WO #2;
  • Notes – WO #4;
  • Notes – WO #5;
  • Scene photos by WO #2;
  • Sudden Death Report;
  • Scene photos; and
  • Communications recordings.

Materials Obtained from Other Sources

The SIU obtained and reviewed the following records from other sources:
  • Preliminary Autopsy Findings Report from the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service.

Incident Narrative

The material events in question are clear on the evidence collected by the SIU and may briefly be summarized.

In the evening of March 11, 2023, WO #5, WO #4 and Officer #1, were dispatched to the Complainant’s residence in St. George to check on his well-being. A family member – CW #1 – had called police after learning that he had failed to attend a medical appointment. The officers met CW #1 at the property and she provided them a key to access the building.

Entering the building, CW #1 and the officers located the Complainant on the landing at the top of a set of stairs. CW #1 led the way and spoke to the Complainant, as did Officer #1. They assisted him to his feet and then to a sitting position on the landing, examined him for injuries, and asked if he wanted medical attention. The Complainant indicated he did not need an ambulance and the family member agreed. The officers left after about 20 minutes on the understanding that CW #1 would stay with the Complainant.

CW #1 remained for a period and then spoke to the Complainant, telling him to go to bed and that she would check on him in the morning. The Complainant agreed.

The next day, concerned when she was unable to reach the Complainant, CW #1 called police again. Several hours later, OPP officers arrived at CW #1’s home to tell her of the Complainant’s passing. Two officers had been dispatched to the Complainant’s residence, where they located him, deceased, adjacent to a side door of the property.

Relevant Legislation

Section 220, Criminal Code -- Criminal Negligence Causing Death

220 Every person who by criminal negligence causes death to another person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable
(a) where a firearm is used in the commission of the offence, to imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years; and
(b) in any other case, to imprisonment for life.

Section 31, Liquor Licence and Control Act -- Intoxication

31 (1) No person shall be in an intoxicated condition in,
(a) a place to which the general public is invited or permitted access; or
(b) any part of a residence that is used in common by persons occupying more than one dwelling in the residence.
(2) A police officer or conservation officer may arrest without warrant any person who is contravening subsection (1) if, in the opinion of the officer, it is necessary to do so for the safety of any person.

Section 17, Mental Health Act -- Action by Police Officer

17 Where a police officer has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a person is acting or has acted in a disorderly manner and has reasonable cause to believe that the person,
(a) has threatened or attempted or is threatening or attempting to cause bodily harm to himself or herself;
(b) has behaved or is behaving violently towards another person or has caused or is causing another person to fear bodily harm from him or her; or
(c) has shown or is showing a lack of competence to care for himself or herself,
and in addition the police officer is of the opinion that the person is apparently suffering from mental disorder of a nature or quality that likely will result in,
(d) serious bodily harm to the person;
(e) serious bodily harm to another person; or
(f) serious physical impairment of the person,
and that it would be dangerous to proceed under section 16, the police officer may take the person in custody to an appropriate place for examination by a physician.

Analysis and Director's Decision

On March 12, 2023, the Complainant was found deceased by OPP officers outside his residence in St. George. As he had interacted with police the day before, the SIU initiated an investigation. The investigation is now concluded. On my assessment of the evidence, there are no reasonable grounds to believe that any police officer committed a criminal offence in connection with the Complainant’s death.

The offence that arises for consideration is criminal negligence causing death contrary to section 220 of the Criminal Code. The offence is reserved for serious cases of neglect that demonstrate a wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons. It is predicated, in part, on conduct that amounts to a marked and substantial departure from the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised in the circumstances. In the instant case, the question is whether there was a want of care on the part of the officers who initially met with the Complainant on March 11, 2023, sufficiently egregious to attract criminal sanction, that caused or contributed to the Complainant’s death. In my view, there was not.

Officer #1, WO #5 and WO #4 were lawfully placed when they met with the Complainant on March 11, 2023. An officer’s foremost duty is the protection and preservation of life. Having received word of CW #1’s call to police and been dispatched to the Complainant’s address, the officers were duty-bound to do what they could to ensure the Complainant’s well-being.

I am also satisfied that the officers comported themselves with due care and regard for the Complainant’s welfare. Led by Officer #1, the officers spoke with the Complainant and examined him for physical injury. Though he appeared weak and intoxicated, there were no signs of injury on his person. Asked whether he wanted medical attention, the Complainant declined. At that point, there was little else the officers could do. As he was in his residence and under the supervision of his family member there were no grounds to arrest him for public intoxication under section 31 of the Liquor Licence and Control Act. Nor was there any basis to take the Complainant into custody under section 17 of the Mental Health Act as the officers had been provided no information of any mental disorder at play.

In the result, as there are no reasonable grounds to believe that the officers who dealt with the Complainant on March 11, 2023, transgressed the limits of care prescribed by the criminal law, there is no basis for proceeding with criminal charges. The file is closed.

Date: July 7, 2023

Electronically approved by

Joseph Martino
Special Investigations Unit


  • 1) The information in this section reflects the information received by the SIU at the time of notification and does not necessarily reflect the SIU’s finding of facts following its investigation. [Back to text]
  • 2) [Back to text]
  • 3) The following records contain sensitive personal information and are not being released pursuant to section 34(2) of the Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019. The material portions of the records are summarized below. [Back to text]


The signed English original report is authoritative, and any discrepancy between that report and the French and English online versions should be resolved in favour of the original English report.